
We provide a wide (and specialized) range of Services

From Data Driven Marketing that employs Digital Marketing Platforms, Data Collection Services, Text Mining, Machine Learning, etc.

Our methodologies supported/backed by research journals and practical documentations by professionals, including our own experiences.

How can we help you?

We provide a wide (and specialized) range of services.

Data Driven Marketing

From FB Ads, IG Ads, Google Ads, equipped with mastery in analytics tools such as: FB Audience Insights, FB Pixel, Split Testing, Campaign Budget Optimization, Dynamics Ads, Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and many more.

Data Collections

We collect social media and various public data for your research purposes.

Did you know that web scraping currently legal, right?

Business and Marketing Research

We experienced in conducting business and marketing research, such as: Estimating market size, repeat order rate, determine the Pareto products or services, customer profiling & segmentation, behavioral analytics, etc.

Text Mining

We provide end-to-end Text Mining solutions (from data collection of public data (Twitter) to provide informations you need).

We employs various methodologies, such as: Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis, Document Clustering, etc.

Machine Learning

We love to tackle various Machine Learning related problems.

Content Writing (Data Tech Blogging)

We started as a WordPress Tech Blog (and we still are). We are a WordPress Developer who loves to create high-quality content (and SEO), especially in the Data Tech niche.

Do you love to see our website? We can create a similar website for you! 🙂

We Provide Our Services in English or/and Bahasa Indonesia

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